Erika: 8.0 - Great character development.
Dana: 6.5 - Surprised written by woman. Surprised by his love for her. Liked overall.
Anne: 7.0 - Unresolved, doubtful by ending, unsatisfying.
Rachel: 7.5 - Liked character development, liked love story development, satisfied by conclusion.
Rebecca: 5.5 - Uncomfortable with dog mutilation. Didn't like pregnancy storyline.
Molly: 7.5 - Strange. Books saying odd. Dog mutilation and kidnapping bothersome. Taken too far.
Becky: 7.0 - Similar to last book. Search for the truth, baby, etc. Liked to read it because of Bailey. Didn't like mutilation, book titles. Wanted to know more about wife.
Erin: 7.0 - Liked the theme of wife struggling with identity - masks, girl at the pool in New Orleans. Liked the theme of acceptance -wife and dog.
Tina: 7.0 - Disappointed that the dog did not talk. Felt that the wife committed suicide. New Orleans situation, unsettling.