Noteworthy: Molly's last book club
Tina: 2.0 - (pg. 26) BORING!
Molly: 4.0 - Expecting something to happen. 300 page short story.
Dana: 4.0 - (pg. 4) Wonderful secret language.
Rebecca: 3.0 - (pg. 19) Hard to get into. Felt repetitive.
Erin: 3.0 - (pg. 177) Author was "wannabe". Wanted to be a protester.
Erika: 3.0 - (pg. 30) Very slow. Had to reread pages.
Rachel: 4.5 (pg. 100) Style of writing boring. Had read Lolita. Enjoyed reading about western works.
Becky: 2.0 - (pg 128) Talked too much about books, didn't get to a point. Couldn't tell who was talking. Didn't know who characters were.
Anne: 4.0 - Was excited, but had hard time with authors style. Couldn't tell characters apart. Good idea for book, her story/memoir. Liked learning about being women, sexuality.