Menu: Stingers
Noteworthy: Erin's last book club
Erin: 9.99 - All you ask for in a book, laughed, cried, good message about family.
Erika: 8.5 - Didn't want to put down. Cry, laugh, enjoyed reading it.
Dana: 6.5 - Animal lover but would have been a better short story. Not enough substance, wanted more.
Rebecca: 6.75 - Got emotionally involved, laughed, cried, but not really into story. Author was conceited. Family/Dog focus was conflicting.
Sara: 4.5 - Not in good mood when read. Didn't like author, talked about himself, not good writing. Could have been shorter. Like a slapstick comedy.
Anne: 6.5 - Easy to read. Liked emotional involvement. Liked idea of young family and Marley being a constant in their life. Events were not exciting, wanted more depth.
Rachel: 7.75 - Wants to get a dog, have been researching. Could have been deeper, but liked story.
Tina: 7.0 - Thought it was surfacy, not too deep. Easy to read, good stories. Laughed, cried but didn't think about thte book after reading.