Rachel: 8.0 - really like it, the characters. Cuagher by surprise by Snow Flower's background. Disppointed by actions when Snow Flower was publicly humiliated.
Dana: 9.0 - liked Lily and Snow Flower's relationship. Very interesting book - winter, food. Good read, liked separation of parts - the Hair Pinning Days, etc.
Sara: 8.5 - well written. Aspect of history was unknown - the role of women. Miscommunication between Snow Flower and Lily - was upset by it but understood why.
Rebecca: 8.25 - Liked the first 3/4. Started to get bored with the part in the caves. Very interesting story. Liked the metaphor from the first fan from Snow Flower about feeing the flower. Parallels with The Red Tent (roles of men and women.) Good read.
Anne: 8.5 - Really enjoyed the book. Liked the characters - matchmaker. Could easily visualize the characters. Compared to the Red Tent with women and society. Cool that the loatong relationship was closer than with your husband.
Tina: 8.5 - Really liked the women's perspective on history. Patriarchal societies set themselves up similarly - similarities between Red Tent and Secret Fan. Didn't find the women's place as shocking as other because the way she was raised. She could relate to the book.
Erika: 8.5 - Looking back, book appears as a movie due to the vivid images. Felt many emotions while reading.