Average Rating: 8.4
Erika: 8.0 - Like the author, detail in description. Was hard to read. Couldn't understand grandparents and parents - very dysfunctional. Couldn't stop reading. Wanted to know what happened to youngest sister. Author was interviewed and said sister was still estranged, having problems.
Rachel: 8.0 - Knew parents were dysfunctional but they redeemed themselves. When dad was drunk they were horrible, but great when sober. Mom was lazy. Found parents lives interesting - that they chose to live as they did. Amazed at authors success based on childhood.
Dana: 10.0 - Loved it. Started on Sat while in Arizona - liked being in the desert. Didn't like Virginia chapters as much. Felt author had regrets about Maureen, how she grew up. Jeannette didn't live up to her promise to always protect Maureen. Was sad when dad died. Didn't like mom - she was selfish. Would recommend.
Anne: 8.0 (pg. 152) - 1st book she didn't finish. Having trouble sympathizing with parents. They are always overly optimistic - delusional. Amazed that story is true - UHaul, molestation - sad for authors upbringing. Feels for the kids.
Sara: 8.5 - Liked seeing things through authors eyes - turning some things into games. Virginia time was interesting as Jeanette started to see things as reality. Shocked by moms land ownership. Mom was terrible - very selfish. Felt bad for dad as alcoholic.
Rebecca: 8.0 - Agree with others. Like the beginning more - had hope for family. Interesting how much more narration time spent on younger years vs older (1st 1/3 of book based on years 3-6ish). Though about it a lot, but not sure if I really liked the book - was disappointed at the beginning of each chapter. Thought father was a better person than mom. Was most disappointed by uncle molesting kids and parents not standing up for them.
Tina: 9.0 - Loved the book. Thought about it for months after reading it. Drew parallel between mom's treatment of kids and Jeannette's ultimate treatment of Maureen - she promises to take care of her, but ultimately didn't. Loved that the author wrote her story objectively, without self pity.