Menu: French Dip w/pickles and chips, Dessert of cookies and ice cream.
Angie: 9.0 - Read it really quickly. Intrigued by the whole book. Surprised homosexuality was talked about. Watched the movie but was upset about how Mary's loyalty to the queen was not portrayed.
Jennifer: 9.9 - Liked learning about history; and it was a quick read.
Tina: 9.0 - Loved the story, but found certain things dragged out. It was like reading a soap opera. Appalled by the family ambition. Interesting that the book starts and ends with an execution.
Dana: 10.0 (11) - Loved the book! Actually gave it an 11.0. Took notes in the back of the book. Intriguing and mesmerizing. Liked the family dynamics and rivalry between sisters. Called out the bond between mother and child. Surprised they let Mary go.
Rachel: 9.0 - Read first 100 and last 10 pages, plus watched the movie. Liked the language - it wasn't Old English. Interested in sister bond, how women were viewed, and that women were powerful, but it wasn't outwardly obvious.
Anne: 9.5 - Love it! Like a soap opera. Interested in the difference between the classes. Intrigued by the evilness of Anne - especially about the babies.
Rebecca: 8.75 - Total Juicy! Was looking for more meat - kept her interested! Found out ending before she finished. Did not like the movie.
Becky: 9.0 - Thought about the book a lot. Had dreams from those times. Liked the historical fiction! Scared at the end - though Mary was screwed. Sickened by the father and mother. Made her want a farm house and true love forever. Book taught the importance of keeping ambition in check.