Menu:Loaded Baked Potatoes, yummy salad, cupcakes and ice cream
Rebecca: 8.0 Interesting storyline, kept captivated. Had a hard time sitting down to read and fell asleep easily. Liked that it was non-fiction. Good character development, but some were unnecessary.
Jennifer Erlich: 7.0 Didn't like Part I. Too many mini-stories and had to push through Part II. Enjoyed the last 100 pages--would have liked it better without the first part.
Becky: 7.0 Enjoyed the essence of Savannah, wanted to be there! Didn't remember anything about reading the book 10 years ago. Too many characters. Favorite character was Chablis, the Drag Queen with lots of spunk and personality. Enjoyed when she attended the Debutante Ball...
Dana: 8.0 Liked the character Minerva, the witchcraft specialist. Minerva had a great connection with the dead and it reminds us how close the dead are to us living folks~some people just have a more keen sense to their "existence" than others.
Anne: 7.5 On page 193--finally at the murder part. Character development was long--felt like it was slow-moving. Found Southern-living very interesting.
Rachel: 7.0 On page 95--having a hard time getting into the book, it seems jumpy.
Angie: 7.0 Struggled to get into the book, it felt like a bunch of short stories. Lots of unnecessary details.
Tina: 7.5 Thought the beginning was slow and had too much character development, but appreciated it alot more once realizing the story was based on true events and the lives of real people. Felt the murder was an anti-climactic point to build up to--
Going on in the world right now: Upcoming Presidential election (Obama v. McCain).
Going on with us right now: Tina finds out Boy or Girl soon!