Menu: Stuffed Green Peppers
Rachel: 8 - Didn't feel the author was scientific--much makes sense, but hormone-altering meds should have been discussed. Interesting to read about the differences between male and female.
Becky: 9.3 - Learned alot and found that the book explains alot. Recommended the book to many people, commented on how it's not fair that women has to experience so many ups and downs.
Tina: 7.5 - Certain chapters were interesting to her, although alot of the same points were illustrated throughout the book. Overall it has an "Ah-HA!" factor.
Jennifer: 7 - The book justified some (bad) behavior. The downside was the author repeated topics throughout the book.
Rebecca: 7 - Beginning was the best part because of new info, repetitive later on. The author never gave recommendations for the case studies she mentioned.
Anne: 7 - Emphasis on hormones and the correct balance makes sense. Should be more openly discussed and available. Men should read this book!
Angie: 8 - Middle chapters were interesting.
Dana: 8 - Mommy brain/Baby details are pertinent.