Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Peace Like a River, by Leif Enger

Average Rating: 7.4
Menu: Spring Rolls, Shrimp Curry, Edamame, Brownies

Tina: 7.5 - Hard to say...Really good but didn't like it that much. Didn't connect with book, can't explain why not. Didn't think the miracle theme was actually important to the book.

Dana: 7.0 - Male version of The Glass Castle. Like love story as a touch. Like ending, even though it was sad.

Angie: 8.0 - Like character development and love story. Courting was cute.

Anne: 6.5 (p.265) - Didn't not like the book. It took a lot of increments to finish; kind of slow. Liked Rueben's childish perspective.

Becky: 8.0 (p.200) - Weirded out that the miracles don't mean anything. They build up...then nothing. Thought it was based a long time ago, like 1850's.

Rachel: 7.0 - Well written, well done, but not drawn in. Quick, easy to follow, but not great.

Jennifer: 7.5 - Got into it and then got distracted. Loved the last part. Great ending.

Rebecca: 7.5 - Good book. Interesting story, good plot, fun characters, but just didn't connect with it. Wanted to be wow'd but wasn't and not sure why not.

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