Menu: Pasta with meat and veggie sauce, salad, garlic bread and dark chocolate brownies.
Becky: 6.5. Fun read, but kept waiting to find out what The Game revealed which ended up being more built up than it ended up being. Interested and could relate to the shell shock of coming back from war and the brain dealing with things by numbing itself. Secrets were very important in the book - they can be very self destructive if one has too many. Ended was sad, but good.
Dana: 9.0. Good story. Enjoyed reading about the bond between sisters and how Hannah gives up what she wants and shoots her lover to save Emmeline. Was intrigued by how Grace didn't reveal her story even when walking through the old house years later.
Anne: 8.0. On page 223. Interested by houw Alfred was coping with returning from war. Felt secrets and eavesdropping were prevalent parts of the story. Is interested to see how the love stories pan out.
Rachel: N/A. No time to read!
Angie: 835. Read it really fast to find out the endning. Hated the American banking family, especially the father's point of view on servants and women. Was reminded of the Irishwomen's Table. Felt that the flashbacks were unnecessary to the storytelling.
Jen: 9.0. Quick read. Enjoyed the story. Liked The Game and would have liked to have it to play when growing up. Wanted to know the story behind it and thought Grace should have told it.
Rebecca: 9.5. Loved the book. Thought it was a fun read, interesting and captivating with good storytelling. Did not feel rushed to get to the ending becuase the story was good and kept her involved. Had good relationship building. Felt Grace's late adult life story was unnecessary. Enjoyed reading about historical times and relationships between servants and the aristocrats. Was intrigued by houw 1 choice (marriage) so changed the courses of Hannah and Emmeline's lives despite their opinions on marraige when they were children.
Tina: 9.0. Was truly surprised by the ending, which is rare. Enjoyed the story, the character building and relationships between the characters. Felt like watching "The Notebook" while reading the book due to the similarities in presentation with flashbacks to a historical era and different way of life.
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