Tuesday, November 7, 2006

The Red Tent, by Anita Diamant

Average Rating: 9.0

Erika: 8.5 - Liked character development, author involved the readers, didn't rush the parts.

Dija: 9.0 - Too much blood and baby deliveries and pregnancies. Easy to read; Dinah and her relationships with her moms...liked this. She is happy that she didn't live in those times.

Tina: 7.0 - (pg. 67) Thought it was hard to read...right before the juicy part! It was gross - a lot of parts, interested to get to the rest of it.

Sara: 9.5 - Excellent job of giving a beautiful story - completely engrossed in the story. A story you couldn't put down...Dinah was an excellent narrator - strange to read about Polygamy and the dynamics.

Rebecca: 8.5 - Book is all about birthing and the experience. Despite all of that, the book was good - these parts were necessary for the story and shows how pregnancy consumes a community and the women. Liked how the story was told by Dinah made her link the Bible stories to this story.

Anne: 10 - Loved it...thought initially it would be hard to read. Easily could connect the people. Liked the stories and history told in the Red Tent, bond between the women. Dinah's story was tragic and contained a lot of dynamic.

Dana: 10 - Loved it...the relationship of sisterhood between Dinah's mother was very interesting. The relationships and history of Dinah and Brother Joseph reminds me of my relationship my my brother Benno.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Memory Keeper's Daughter, by Kim Edwards

Average Rating: 6.7

Tina: 6.5 - Liked idea of story, wanted to see what happened very surface level, does a mother "know"? Would she be different if Phoebe actually died? David probably did Caroline/Phoebe a favor.

Anne: 6.0 - Excited about concept by disappointed in direction it went. Premise of how a secret affects relationship, didn't like Rosemary story. David - bad father. Thought Paul was gay. Secret is what tore family apart.

Dana: 7.0 - Didn't like Norah's character, didn't like David or their marriage, was afraid of Al and thought he'd do something bad. Another Tangent. Great idea for story but marriage was a turn off.

Sara: 6.5 - Good premise, but thought it was shallow, didn't understand Norah's long term grief. Thought Caroline was made out as a hero but also made mistakes - selfish to take Phoebe. Al was weird.

Rebecca: 6.0 - Idea had potential but writer screwed it up. Went into too much background about David but could have taked more about other characters. Anti-climatic when Paul and Phoebe meet. While did Caroline contat Norah? Thanks that Norah/David coldn't have survived children anayway and it would not have been any better if they kept Phoebe.

Rachel: 7.0 - Beginning good, didn't stay as interesting. Character development weak, didn't explain their motivations. Didn't go more into twins of mother's intuition. No big moment.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Prep, by Curtis Sittenfeld

Average Rating: 6.2

Erika: 7.0 - Easy to read, liked to hear the stories of how she grew. Related to the things she went through.

Tina: 6.5 - Couldn't stop reading this book, but it annoyed the crap out of me! Insecruity consumed her - got very frustrated - parts made me laugh though. Ending was abrubt - ending wasn't satisfying.

Sara: 5.0 - Lee drove me nuts! I was angry how it ended. Her personality was frustrating. Didn't feel like Lee did not learn or grow - she wasn't open minded or caring.

Rebecca: 5.5 - I was addicted to the book, but Lee bugged me. She was completely self-loathing. She expected people to think the best of her even though she thought the worst of herself. She didn't try or care about things.

Dana: 6.5 - I thought Lee was very pathetic. She over analyzed everything.

Rachel: 7.0 - Being from a small private school, but not wealthy, I could relate a little bit. But Lee was way too passive aggressive. She was very hypocritical.

Anne: 8.0 - She was very immature. Her inner monologue made me laugh. She also always did the opposite of what she should have.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Crossing to Safety, by Wallace Stegner

Average Rating: 8.1

Dana: 7.0 - The book didn't keep my attention. I am most like Charity but I would not want to be like Sid because he was walked over completely. I think Charity needed to be such a character though. Was this a true story?

Anne: 8.5 - I like the beginning part more than the 2nd and 3rd. I got annoyed with Larry- he was not a very strong character. I thought of the relationship between Charity and Sid was similar to my parents- whatever makes her happy, makes him happy. I think this would be a great movie. I am most like Sally because I am not as organized as Charity and I don't like being the center of attention. I liked watching the friendship evolve.

Rebecca: 9.0 - I loved the book. I also liked the 1st part most but it needed the 2nd and 3rd part for the story to be complete. The book told from Charity's point of view would be fascinating. I liked the flow of the book. It was well written and kept me intrigued. I would be most like Sally or Larry. But I don't have a strong opinion about Larry. Charity is a go-getter & I am not.

Erika: 7.5 - I liked the 1st part, did not like the 2nd, but felt the 3rd tied everything together. I was frustrated in the end with Sid's character. He let her walk all over him. This was his chance to go after the thing he wanted. It seemed she was just being stubborn. I would be most like Charity, organized and stubborn.

Tina: 8.0 - I really liked it once I got past 30 pages. Now I am on page 177. Perception of characters was shaped in the intro which told the basic character stories. I saw Charity as manipulative and overbearing like when she made people square dance at her party. I understand her desire to want to control things maybe to the point of fault. I was able to handle the flowery sentences- it was still concise & easy to read. I guess I am Charity. Oh God am I overbearing? Maybe I'll have to buy a whistle! I don't particularly like Charity.

Sara: 9.0 - I really love the first section of the book. I love being at the age of meeting new friends in our 20's & understanding that we can do and be anything. The sentences were absolutely beautiful but never felt as though I got lost in the words. The 2nd section bothered me a bit because I felt that Larry was quite conceited. I did not appreciate hearing all about his reasons for writing. The story picked up in the 3rd section when it all came together and the friendship between all four friends became so apparant. It was strange to me why Sid decided to leave Charity on her last day. I guess I would be most like Charity.

Monday, May 22, 2006

The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Average Rating: 8.5
Noteworthy: Erin's last book club

Erin: 8.0 - (1/2 way through) Intrigued by Gatsby. Reminds me of Mr. Big in SITC. Covers up how Daisy has tortured him.

Rachel: 9.5 - (1/2 way through) All time faves from high school. New money/old money very interesting. Change encouraging - women valued for looks.

Dana: 8.0 - Read in high school. Soft spot because Justin tested her with Pet Boys song and book.

Sara: 9.0 - Favorite. Gets better every time. Intro and end (some don't have) very interesting. He wrote it to be "Great American Novel". Punctuation based on talk, not writing/grammar. Like how end portrays people as bad, choose easy way out.

Tina: 8.5 - (1/2 way through) Through "I" was Gatsby. Confused. Caught on and re-read. More interesting after getting into writing style.

Anne: 8.0 - Enjoyed. Liked dynamics between men and women, also 20s era. Kept thinking of Gatsby as a Hugh Heffner. Everyone went for the party - not him.

Rebecca: 8.5 - Good overall book. Wished I paid more attention in high school to understand all the symbolism, etc.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Marley and Me, by John Grogan

Average Rating: 7.2
Menu: Stingers
Noteworthy: Erin's last book club

Erin: 9.99 - All you ask for in a book, laughed, cried, good message about family.

Erika: 8.5 - Didn't want to put down. Cry, laugh, enjoyed reading it.

Dana: 6.5 - Animal lover but would have been a better short story. Not enough substance, wanted more.

Rebecca: 6.75 - Got emotionally involved, laughed, cried, but not really into story. Author was conceited. Family/Dog focus was conflicting.

Sara: 4.5 - Not in good mood when read. Didn't like author, talked about himself, not good writing. Could have been shorter. Like a slapstick comedy.

Anne: 6.5 - Easy to read. Liked emotional involvement. Liked idea of young family and Marley being a constant in their life. Events were not exciting, wanted more depth.

Rachel: 7.75 - Wants to get a dog, have been researching. Could have been deeper, but liked story.

Tina: 7.0 - Thought it was surfacy, not too deep. Easy to read, good stories. Laughed, cried but didn't think about thte book after reading.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Devil in the White City, by Erik Larson

Average Rating: 7.35
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Rebecca: 6.0 - Hated history in HS. Wanted the book to focus on one story, not both. Wasn't engaged or excited to read, but loved parts of it - the historical tidbits about AC/DC electric current, the Ferris Wheel, etc.

Tina: 7.5 - (pg. 230) Enjoyed both stories - liked the murder story better, but was enthralled by the shaping of history, Ferris, Marshall Field. Had to wait for action and closure, was not motivated to read.

Rachel: 8.0 - Liked both stories. Did not like that they were not connected. Like the historical references, was interested in Chicago.

Erin: 7.0 - Like the book and history, but had no climax. Comparing Burnham/White City to Holmes/Dark Hotel was like comparing heaven and hell. Would have liked more Holmes development.

Dana: 7.0 - Liked the book, but there was no emotion. All written in 3rd person, heartless killings, details of the fair dragged on, did not feel she grasped all the concepts.

Sara: 5.0 - Did not love it. Forced herself to read it. Didn't think the stories were intertwined, no emotion, Holmes did not intrigue her.

Anne: 8.25 - Hates history, but loved the book because it brought people and events together. It was easy to make connections, liked the World Fair story better than Holmes' story, thought Holmes was arrogant.

Erika: 8.0 - Liked both parts of the book. Enjoyed the part of the start of the Pledge of Allegiance the best and all the historical references.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Broken for You, by Stephanie Kallos

Average Rating: 7.6

Dija: 6.0 - The book was hard to read, but got better as she read.

Sara: 9.0 - Was one of her favorites, characters grew together and independently; was a feel-good read, but had mediocre writing.

Erin: 8.5 - Loved it, loved the characters and the 'mystery" element of the story. Saw lots of irony in the book, would recommend to others.

Tina: 8.0 - Liked the book, thought the story of the book was the character development, looked forward to reading it and finding out what happened.

Rebecca: 9.0 - Noted that this was a very high rating for Rebe. Stopped reading Harry Potter 6 for this book. Thought the amount of valuables that Margaret had was unfathomable.

Anne: 9.0 - Like how the story brough meaning to the characters' lives and how they each helped each other find meaning. Was confused about Wanda's obsessions with Peter and how the record store incident was upsetting because it was built up so much by Wanda. Why did she put him on such a pedestal?

Dana: 6.0 - Liked the reinvention of the valuables, but thought it was a waste and the "enter and break something" ritual by the end of the book was weird. Wondered about the logistics of breaking all the things and the clean up? Thought the book was depressing.

Erika: 7.0 - Loved reading about the developing relationships between Margaret and all of her new house mates, especially Wanda. Thought there were too many small world coincidences. Enjoyed reading about Wanda's art with the pieces, as if she's putting her life back together with all the broken antique pieces.