Menu: Apps at Tina's: Spinach Artichoke Dip, Caprese Salad. BUCA! Apple Gorgonzola Salad, Spicy Chicken Rigatoni, Penne San Remo, Colassal Brownie Sundae.
Jennifer - Got to page 12. Kept falling asleep while reading.
Fun Fact: Jen is taking dance lessons and practices for 10 minutes every other night (with boyfriend John). Dance lessons courtesy of Groupon.
Rebecca - 8.5 - was very skeptical of this book, but enjoyed it from the start through India portion. Found it original, funny and liked the tie backs to modern day. Thought the India portion was glossed over and then story got slow. Wished she knew more about the New Testament. It was innovative, laughed out loud. Enjoyed the present day to past tie backs, for example, the reason why Jews eat Chinese food on Xmas. Recommended the book to others. It was easy to pick up and put down.
Fun Fact: Both Rebecca and Trevor have moved work offices. Zoey is rolling over and sleeping better. They are starting their attic project!
Anne - 8.5 - enjoyed the book, thought it was hilarious. Liked the modern day references and innuendos. Sped through the first 3/4 of the book, then it got slow, then picked up again at the end. Romantic portions were an interesting aspect. References to how modern day sayings came into being were interesting.
Fun Fact: Anne gave her first injection of Heparin to a real patient.
Angie - did not read.
Fun Fact - is planning to read the book on her trip to Paris in November!
Dana - did not read.
Fun Fact: Dana is aiming to be the first lady of Lake Elmo, pending Justin's election results for city council.
Tina - 8.0 - loved the humor and ties to modern life. It was easy to read and most of the story moved quickly. Loved all the parts in China, but thought India part was slow.
Fun Fact: I've lost 5 lbs since mid-Sept counting calories!
Becky - 8.0 - I am ½ way done, but can’t put it down. It’s the first book since Hunger Games that I just want to read any chance I get. I love the history and tie to real lift during that time. I think the Biff character is great and really brings reality to what the Bible says. That being said, I just finished the part with the monster…which took a complete Harry Potter turn on me. I feel like it sort of jumped the shark a bit, but still can’t put it down. I am not sure how it ends (hah, I have a feeling I do), but would totally read another book by this author based on just over the first ½ of this one.
Sara - 8.0 - I thought it was great. I thought it was a funny idea, well written, and kept me entertained which is just what I needed at 2a, 3a during night feeds. It clearly could have been more provocative but that wasn't what he was going for. I think he gave religion just what it needed a sense of humor. I especially appreciated the epilogues comment that if this rocks your religious beliefs they really aren't stable anyway. Fun book!
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