Thursday, July 11, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
The History of Love, Nicole Krauss
Menu: Tortellini and Girl Scout Cookies
Dana: 5.0 - Didn't like the eldery man's character. Curious to see how it ends.
Anne: n/a - Didn't read.
Sara: 7.5 - Liked it a lot. Not sure who is actually alive at the end.
Tina: 6.0 - Think it had great potential but was too confusing. Too much going on.
Jennifer: 6.5 - Too many stories so confusing. Excited to re-read. Too many characters.
Rebecca: 7.0 - Liked writing style. Was confused by characters.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal, Christopher Moore

Menu: Apps at Tina's: Spinach Artichoke Dip, Caprese Salad. BUCA! Apple Gorgonzola Salad, Spicy Chicken Rigatoni, Penne San Remo, Colassal Brownie Sundae.
Jennifer - Got to page 12. Kept falling asleep while reading.
Fun Fact: Jen is taking dance lessons and practices for 10 minutes every other night (with boyfriend John). Dance lessons courtesy of Groupon.
Rebecca - 8.5 - was very skeptical of this book, but enjoyed it from the start through India portion. Found it original, funny and liked the tie backs to modern day. Thought the India portion was glossed over and then story got slow. Wished she knew more about the New Testament. It was innovative, laughed out loud. Enjoyed the present day to past tie backs, for example, the reason why Jews eat Chinese food on Xmas. Recommended the book to others. It was easy to pick up and put down.
Fun Fact: Both Rebecca and Trevor have moved work offices. Zoey is rolling over and sleeping better. They are starting their attic project!
Anne - 8.5 - enjoyed the book, thought it was hilarious. Liked the modern day references and innuendos. Sped through the first 3/4 of the book, then it got slow, then picked up again at the end. Romantic portions were an interesting aspect. References to how modern day sayings came into being were interesting.
Fun Fact: Anne gave her first injection of Heparin to a real patient.
Angie - did not read.
Fun Fact - is planning to read the book on her trip to Paris in November!
Dana - did not read.
Fun Fact: Dana is aiming to be the first lady of Lake Elmo, pending Justin's election results for city council.
Tina - 8.0 - loved the humor and ties to modern life. It was easy to read and most of the story moved quickly. Loved all the parts in China, but thought India part was slow.
Fun Fact: I've lost 5 lbs since mid-Sept counting calories!
Becky - 8.0 - I am ½ way done, but can’t put it down. It’s the first book since Hunger Games that I just want to read any chance I get. I love the history and tie to real lift during that time. I think the Biff character is great and really brings reality to what the Bible says. That being said, I just finished the part with the monster…which took a complete Harry Potter turn on me. I feel like it sort of jumped the shark a bit, but still can’t put it down. I am not sure how it ends (hah, I have a feeling I do), but would totally read another book by this author based on just over the first ½ of this one.
Sara - 8.0 - I thought it was great. I thought it was a funny idea, well written, and kept me entertained which is just what I needed at 2a, 3a during night feeds. It clearly could have been more provocative but that wasn't what he was going for. I think he gave religion just what it needed a sense of humor. I especially appreciated the epilogues comment that if this rocks your religious beliefs they really aren't stable anyway. Fun book!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The Late, Lamented Molly Marx, Sally Koslow

Menu: Pasta!
Becky: Cool it starts out with funeral and glad its humorous--has to finish the book, though!
Anne (8.5): Read it fairly quickly, neat that it was from above. Interested to see what happened at the end (unveiling of person involved in Molly's death).
Tina (7): Entertaining, but not memorable. Character of Molly's was relatable and Delfine's character reminded her of "The Help". Anti-climactic ending.
Jennifer (8): Light summer read, petrified of scary mysteries, though! Disliked Stephanie character.
Rebecca (7): Expected more, not excited to read it, though.
Dana (8): Thought cheating storyline was too commonplace. Molly's view from above was interesting, but she had an abrupt dettachment to watching the lives below, though.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Bossypants, Tina Fey
Menu: Baked zucchini, risotto, brownies
Rebecca: 7.5 - Very Tina Fey. Very entertaining (8.5), parts made me laugh out loud. Writing was funny but not well done, no plot or story line just pieces put together. Loves Tina Fey so liked it but was expecting a bit more. Could have put pieces together better to make a better story.
Anne: 7.0 - Did not read the book, but I like Tina Fey. She gets a 7 as a person.
Sara: 8.0 - Read it in four days. Hilarious. 9.5 for entertainment, but no plot and not actually a good book. The ending is a fart, no story. Enjoyed the "working women" part, was able to connect with it and the guilt, could have written it better.
Angie: 7.0 - Read it almost a year ago, does not remember it. Read it on a night flight and was laughing out loud. The beginning was really fully, middle ok, ending was great.
Jennifer: 8.0 - Not actually a good book. Do not really remember it but remember laughing until my stomachs hurt.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
One Day, David Nicholls
Menu: (Spiked) Hot Chocolate, Gorgonzola and spinach penne with chicken, Fundamiddles!
Jennifer: 4.0 - Read 1/2, tried book on tap, read synopsis, finally watched movie. It was boring. Things occurred without much meaning.
Tina: 6.0 - Took awhile to get into. Rooting for Emma; feel bad for her. Death out of left field right after getting good. Good story, somewhat memorable but not a great format.
Angie: 7.0 - Really liked it after getting into it. Reflective of life at the time. Disliked ending and had to re-read, very abrupt.
Rebecca: 7.0 - Read 1/2, skimmed rest. Hard to start but enjoyed once reading. Didn't understand parts. quick ending without much meaning. Could have been written much shorter.
Anne: 7.5 (via email)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins
Dana: 10 - Read the first one and downloaded the second already. She wants to know who Katniss chooses. Thinks she is honorable for stepping up for her sister and thinks we would all do the same, given the chance, and that it would happen more in the story of the book. Liked the characters and wants to read more for closure.
Rebecca: 9 - Interesting and easy to read. Great plot. Doesn't remember the minor complaints of the book as the true feeling of the book took over. Expected not to put it down, but was able to. Only read the LAST page this time. :-) Don't feel the need to read 2 and 3, but might anyway.
Tina: 9.5 - Loved the book and read all 3. Wanted more. Very interesting premise. Thought the capitol parts were cool - dying the skin, etc. Excited about the movie (3/23/12) and casting of it. Liked the fantasy world part of like - like Harry Potter. Sad it's over.
Anne: 9.5 - Really enjoyed the book. Read one year ago (friends fifth grader was reading it for school). Enjoyed the story and kept thinking the main character was a boy. Enjoyed her strength, character and courage.
Rachel: 9 - Read it in one sitting. Envisioning kids read this book bothered her - so deep to fight to the death. The book felt like it was set in the 1600s. Good character development and characters you wanted to root for.
Jennifer: 9.5 - Was into the beginning and end of chapters - not so much the middles. Expected them to be early 19-20 year olds - disturbed by their ages. Thought she was sometimes rude to the others, ie Peta. Liked the second book, bored by the third.
Becky: 9.5 - Love all three of the books, but thought the first and second were the best. Was unable to put them down and kept finding time to read more....more. Actually found it hard to find something interesting to read after the trilogy. Hard to tell other what this is about without it sounding morbid and too serious for kids. Although, its a very good read. Very excited for the movie to come out on Madelyn's first birthday (although won't see that day).
Angie: 9 - (remote) Read this book (actually entire series) awhile back and was hooked. Thought the basis of the story like was very creative. Was hesitant in the beginning as she didn't understand where the story was going to go, but once the Hunger Games started, she couldn't put it down. Really liked reading about the Capitol and how the people were so different with their wild and crazy styles. Wasn't so much interested in the love story between Peta and Katniss but more about what was going to happen in the games.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
This Beautiful Life, Helen Schulman
Menu: PF Chang's Extravaganza!
Angie: 6 - Really only read about 60% of the book and skimmed the rest. Was more sexual than expected. Relavant topic, but not well written.
Rebecca: 6 - Interesting story but could have been executed better. Didn't like writing style. Tried too hard to write "golden sentences" but didn't work well.
Dana: 5.5 - Character development was inconsistent making it difficult to grasp characters' personalities except for the youngest daughter. Important topic for parents, but seemed like student writing.
Anne: 5 - Character development was poor. Felt ending was not tied up and had too many loose ends. Difficult to relate to characters over long term with lots of tangents and inconsistency in characters' actions and decisions. Important topic, but didn't feel there was a concise message or lesson. Not well written.
Tina: 5 - Intrigued by topic but was not well executed at all. Storyline and character development felt very choppy and inconsistent. Perhaps this is realistic to how people would react to such a difficult situation, but it did not make for a good story.
Jennifer: 6.5 - The book started our slowly and did not grab my attention. It seemed semi unrealistic how the Daisy parents were acting before the incident and completely out of her life. It did show though how easy it is just to forward 1 e-mail or message on and how it can spread so quickly. It is important to watch what you write down because it might be sent off anywhere.
Becky: 5.5 - Unfortunately, I kept waiting for it to get interesting. I wanted more from it. I liked the overall message of the book, just felt it could have been told in about 200 less pages. I think it was the authors intent, but I liked the characters less as the book went on. Perhaps its one that I will think of later....which usually indicates a good book.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Before I Go to Sleep, S. J. Watson
Menu: Shish-ka-bobs, chocolate-covered strawberries
Rebecca (9): Intense and fun to read, skimmed the ending 2x. Some minor details didn't make sense.
Jennifer (9.5): Fairly scared at the end. Felt sorry for "husband"--and frustrated by him.
Angie (8.5): Beginning felt slow, she figured out the story's ending pretty early.
Tina (7): Wanted to know what was going to happen--interested and hooked but didn't particularily enjoy the book.
Anne (9.5): Noticed similarities to "Still Alice" novel. Wondered where her family was, hotel scene at the end was scary.
Dana (9): Intriqued by the memory loss aspect and the journal progression of the story. The real fear exists in waking up every morning not knowing who she was.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foer
Becky – 5.5 He is an interesting kid, but I am not finding his adventure as intriguing as he does. The picture aren’t adding as much as I thought they would. I am only though ½ done
Rebecca – 8.5 The story kept me interested, I liked the kid. At times you couldn’t tell who was talking. I am not sure why the mother was not more involved in his life, but the kid was endearing and heart breaking.
Dana – Was busy so didn’t have time to read. The kids are in swimming lessons now
Anne – 6.0 I found the story very annoying, I wanted to connect but couldn’t’ sympathize with them. Hard to head on the kindle with all of the pictures and writing. It brought me back to 9/11, tragedy
Tina – 7.0 – When reading it was interesting but doesn’t stick with you. It made you reflective on 9/11 and hot it effects other vs just myself
Jennifer – 7.5 – It could have been heartbreaking but it was not. The pictures do not anything to the book. It was hard to get into the book but it got much better in the 2nd 1/2 .
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Garden Spells, Sarah Addison Allen

Dana: 10.0 - Liked it. (Had to leave early due to sick child)
Jennifer: 9.5 - Listened to it in two sittings. Drawn in by apple tree. Liked how the author made the tree have a personality.
Anne: 8.5 - Easy read. Sister dynamic was interesting. Claire got annoying due to her neurosis. She should have taken accountability. Who is on the cover??
Becky: 9.0 - Perfect following of Still Alice. Breath of fresh air. Made me feel younger. Thought it may turn into vampire fiction, but didn't. Liked that they embraced themselves.
Angie: 9.0 - Started on Monday, finished this evening. Evanelle was my favorite. Like how they didn't make a big deal about the magic, very casual.
Tina: 9.0 - Liked the book. Good, easy, fun read. Went at a good pace. Liked Evanelle. Sydney kind of bugged me, was very immature.
Rebecca: 9.0 - Good overall read. Though the mixing of ingredients and their effects was fun and interesting. Wished Claire grew more.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Still Alice, Lisa Genova
Rebecca: 8.0 - Good, interesting, and easy. Talked about Harvard too much. Expected it to be more depressing. Done well to make it less emotional than probably in real life making it easier to grasp what is going on. Being told in Alice's point of view made one feel less attachment and sadness than if told from a family member's point of view. Kept simplifying the Butterfly File answers. Thought the husband was frustrating - and it had to be been so frustrating.
Dana: 9.0 - Very cognizant about personal behavior while reading this. More aware of our brain. Recommended this to her other book club. Powerful read (Alzheimer's Association picked this book up). Sad how Alzheimer's home was all older women. The relationship with her husband was awkward. The story was scary. Glad it was written from her perspective.
Tina: 8.5 - Liked the story from Alice's perspective. Not fan of the husband, but came around with him in the end. They probably got married because they inspired each other and for their minds, not for love. Thought the oldest daughter was snooty and annoying. Remembered the part where the children were tested for Alzheimer's the most. Her voice and the beginning and the end are totally different people - good evolution of writing.
Rachel: (N/A) - Wants to start, but hard to with grandparent with Alzheimer's.
Becky: 8.5 - Picked the book because her grandmother has Alzheimer's and is progressing quickly. Felt more positive about it all once read the ending and Alice speaking about how her life isn't over - even if she isn't remembering it, doesn't mean she isn't living for each moment. Learned a lot more about being in her shoes and the perspective of others. Others around those with Alzheimer's can be very selfish about their needs and wants.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Stieg Larsson
Menu:Chow Mein
Rebecca (8): Complicated story line--disturbing parts to it. The reason Blomquist took on the job was too nicely tied up at the end.
Anne (7): Slow beginning, bell curve in regards to her interest in the story. Hard time relating to the Vanger family. Most interesting characters: Cecilia Vanger, Salander.
Rachel (8.5): Connection at beginning was confusing. Flower sent was an insight. Swedish aspect was interesting.
Tina (8): This book was a rollercoaster--the thrill of it. Found the book complicated.
Angie (8.5): Likes pychological thrillers, thought the stealing of the money by Salander was clever.
Becky (9): Berger character was interesting, women in the book are very strong and independent.
Jennifer (7.5): Disturbing story, but good. Details were scary. Harriet finding was anti-climactic.
Dana (8): Controversy behind the writing of this tale--Swedish mafia? Enjoyed the story.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, Bill Bryson

Menu: Steak, corn on the cob and Sangria
Tina: The guy is a douche bag. He was trying to hard to be funny. It got better though over time or just got used to him. Very cliché of times and nothing new
Rebecca: Currently on page 69. Good stories if one of his good friends or grew up with him during those times, or location. Good if you really knew him, but being an outsider it was hard to connect.
Angie: Gave up on page 86. It was somewhat more interesting than a history book.
Anne: 4.5
Becky: 6.5 1st time laughing out loud on the bus. Reminded her of stories that her Aunt use to tell her, and the things that she learned along the way. It was not written well
Jennifer: 6 Not quite funny, not quite interesting. He was trying too hard to be funny but was not able to be funny
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Forever, Pete Hamill

Menu: Artichoke Cheese Dip, "New York Style" pizza, "New York" Chocolate Cheesecake
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Pillars of the Earth, Ken Follet
Menu: Pesto Chicken Lasagna, Salad, Bread, Cobbler
Becky: 8.0 Finished! - Loved how much womens' roles were underplayed, but were so important and crucial to the story. You have to give this book a chance to develop the characters in order to appreciate the full length. You are on an epic journey with the builder, monk, and knight. Liked it and couldn't put it down (after the first 50 pages), want to read the next book.
Tina: 7.5 Finished! - Thought it was slow and took a while to get into it. There was no point to the book, and once she realized that, she liked the book more. It gets better as you go, as relationships are built. Too much hype leading up to it.
Rebecca: 7.0 (pg 440) - Slow read and repetitive. Too much architecture when talking about Tom. Could be 1/3 in length. Liked the Tom/Phillip parts and Allina was her favorite. William was disturbing, and she did not appreciate the detail in some of the parts with him in it.
Angie: 7.0 (pg 541) - Reading this book felt like running a marathon that would never end. Wasn't until pg 200-300 before she got into it. Parts about the architecture bothered her a lot. Very disgusted by William; however, she liked Jack's character.
Anne: 6.5 (pg 385) - Took a long time to get into, but now looking forward to seeing what happens to the characters. Liked the good vs. evil between Phillip and William. The parts regarding the architecture dragged the took down. Interested in Ellen's character and liked Allina's character too. She liked how the women took on tougher roles (including killing scenes).
Rachel: 6.5 (pg 156) - Super long chapters. Was hard to read and very slow.....but pleasant thus far. Too long describing things and very drawn out.
Jen: ?? (pg 115) - Bored, then started making Rebe's baby blanket. Liked it, but slow moving with way too high of expectations.
Dana: ?? (beginning - monk found baby part) - Started if before it was chosen and didn't pick it up again. Life in the book seems more simple, and women play a very different role than today. We live such complex lives today and don't have to work so hard to survive.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The House at Riverton, Jane Morton
Menu: Pasta with meat and veggie sauce, salad, garlic bread and dark chocolate brownies.
Becky: 6.5. Fun read, but kept waiting to find out what The Game revealed which ended up being more built up than it ended up being. Interested and could relate to the shell shock of coming back from war and the brain dealing with things by numbing itself. Secrets were very important in the book - they can be very self destructive if one has too many. Ended was sad, but good.
Dana: 9.0. Good story. Enjoyed reading about the bond between sisters and how Hannah gives up what she wants and shoots her lover to save Emmeline. Was intrigued by how Grace didn't reveal her story even when walking through the old house years later.
Anne: 8.0. On page 223. Interested by houw Alfred was coping with returning from war. Felt secrets and eavesdropping were prevalent parts of the story. Is interested to see how the love stories pan out.
Rachel: N/A. No time to read!
Angie: 835. Read it really fast to find out the endning. Hated the American banking family, especially the father's point of view on servants and women. Was reminded of the Irishwomen's Table. Felt that the flashbacks were unnecessary to the storytelling.
Jen: 9.0. Quick read. Enjoyed the story. Liked The Game and would have liked to have it to play when growing up. Wanted to know the story behind it and thought Grace should have told it.
Rebecca: 9.5. Loved the book. Thought it was a fun read, interesting and captivating with good storytelling. Did not feel rushed to get to the ending becuase the story was good and kept her involved. Had good relationship building. Felt Grace's late adult life story was unnecessary. Enjoyed reading about historical times and relationships between servants and the aristocrats. Was intrigued by houw 1 choice (marriage) so changed the courses of Hannah and Emmeline's lives despite their opinions on marraige when they were children.
Tina: 9.0. Was truly surprised by the ending, which is rare. Enjoyed the story, the character building and relationships between the characters. Felt like watching "The Notebook" while reading the book due to the similarities in presentation with flashbacks to a historical era and different way of life.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Female Brain, Louanne Brizendine

Menu: Stuffed Green Peppers
Rachel: 8 - Didn't feel the author was scientific--much makes sense, but hormone-altering meds should have been discussed. Interesting to read about the differences between male and female.
Becky: 9.3 - Learned alot and found that the book explains alot. Recommended the book to many people, commented on how it's not fair that women has to experience so many ups and downs.
Tina: 7.5 - Certain chapters were interesting to her, although alot of the same points were illustrated throughout the book. Overall it has an "Ah-HA!" factor.
Jennifer: 7 - The book justified some (bad) behavior. The downside was the author repeated topics throughout the book.
Rebecca: 7 - Beginning was the best part because of new info, repetitive later on. The author never gave recommendations for the case studies she mentioned.
Anne: 7 - Emphasis on hormones and the correct balance makes sense. Should be more openly discussed and available. Men should read this book!
Angie: 8 - Middle chapters were interesting.
Dana: 8 - Mommy brain/Baby details are pertinent.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
An Irishwoman's Tale, Patti Lacy
Menu: Baked Spaghetti, YUM!
Jennifer: 7.5 - Thrown off by ending and how religious it was--on a side note, she has been to Ireland and been to the cliff noted in the book.
Angie: 6.5 - Liked the progression, wanted to know more of Sally's story. Appreciated the closure at the end of the story.
Rebecca: 6 - Thought the story was too melodramatic--it distracted you from the story. Would have preferred it not been told from Mary's perspective.
Tina: 7 - Left feeling unsatisfied, thrown off by the preachiness. Thought it peculiar that Mary becomes more "Irish" towards the end.
Becky: 8 - Related to the book, liked the part when he called her Betsy. Liked the idea of "watching people work".
Dana: 7.5 - Thought Sally was a much more memorable character than Mary. Very timid character.
Anne: 7.5 - Enjoyed the book but became annoyed by Mary and her "longing" to know where she came from.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Can You Keep A Secret, Sophie Kinsella

Menu: Make Your Own Salad
Angie: 8 - Hard to get into at the beginning but then it got fast and funny. It was a nice break from the depressing books. Dislike Jemima by the end of the book.
Tina: 7 - First quarter was slow but then started to really pick up. It was a fun quick read and felt like she could really relate to the main character. Felt that it was the same as the book “true Confessions a Shopaholic”.
Anne: 8 - Liked the book but realized that all of the story lines were the same as Kinsella’s other books. It was a good fun chicklet book.
Rebecca: 8 - It was an endearing, laugh-out-loud, fun, easy book. It taught you that you need to face the truth, that the truth should set you free and that honesty is openness. You need to be open to maintain a good relationship.
Dana: 7 - Read 7 of her books and like the author and her characters that she creates. It was a good quirky book.
Jennifer: 8 - It was a good fast summer read. I enjoyed the lightheartedness of the book.
Becky (from email): 7.5 - It was a perfect beach read and exactly what we needed to get out of the winter doldrums (I read it right away, so it’s been awhile). It reminded me a bit of Bridget Jones’s, but better and with a lot more fashion sense.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Her Last Death, Susanna Sonnenberg
Menu: spaghetti, salad and cheesecake
Dana: 6 - Mother was quote a character - had children WAY too young, very unfit as a mother. Relationship with professor was creepy.
Rebecca: 7.75 - Compared a lot to "Glass Castle". Easy-ish read, kept interested. Didn't like either the title or the back. Thought mother was crying wolf the whole time. What was the connection betwen her last death and why she didn't go to the funeral?
Jennifer: 8.5 - Made it seem like her childhood was easy - made it seem like it wasn't a big deal. Very non-chalant. Kept imagining her grandmother's house.
Anne: 8 - Only made 1/4 of the way through. Surprised by the casual tone of the book. Interested to see how the relationship pans out. Why does the daughter feel the way she does. Likes it so far.
Angie: 8 - Felt like the tone was more casual than expected. WAnted to know more about the sister and who the grandparents were. There were more hints that they were famous. Read very quickly.
Becky: 7 - Started off thinking here mom's not that bad - but realized later that she was. Feel similar to relationship with dad. Seems strange that someone wouldn't go to a parent's death bed. This is what it would be like if Mary had kids. Wanted more from the Father's point of view - was frustrated by him. Such a messed up childhood and then suddenly she's "normal." Fascinating how mom could manipulate so well.
Rachel: 8 - Read the whole thing on the plane. Very disturbing. Can't imagine having a mother so inappropriate. So much more about the author instead of the mother but not everything tied back to her mother. Professor was creepy. Interesting when her and her husband chose to have an abortion. Struggled with the though that she thought because they had the abortion they were better parents later.
Tina (@ home with Ayden): 7 - Thought it was a good read and engaging story. Read it very quickly. Thought it was such an apalling story and would find it fantastic if it were fiction. Expected it to be more about her mom but found it was more about sex. Also made me think about how much your parents can and will impact you. No matter how crazy they are, you want their approval and love and how destructive that can be if you have the wrong parents.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Innocent Man, John Grisham

Menu: Pizza Luce, cookies, and cupcakes
Anne: n/a - Didn't open book... but agrees with Dana! Was distracted by Twilight series (New Moon)
Angie: 6.0. - More than halfway through. Read very fact like. Very frustrating to read, with justice system and poor treatment of mental health.
Becky: 8.0 - Sean read in 3 days. Wanted to read a Grisham. Pictures too distracting. Changed a lot since HS picture. Coming out of prison- smelling air, etc. parallel with coming back from Iraq, adjusting back to life outside. Shared w/soldiers.
Jennifer: 5.0 - Book on tape- boring at times. Could've been 30 page story. Frustrated- too slow, too much detail.
Rebecca: 4.0 - Basis of story disheartening. Wanted to read a Grisham. Rambled. Skipped around too much- lose concentration. Random tidbits not relevant/interesting. Could've been told better.
Tina: 5.0 (p. 122) - Couldn't get into, repetitive- maybe because of knowing what happens. Poor representation of Grisham vs. fiction. Tried to stay true to facts but too many uninteresting facts.
Rachel: 7.0 (100 pages left) - Very disappointed in justice system- eye opening. Psychology very interesting.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Peace Like a River, by Leif Enger
Tina: 7.5 - Hard to say...Really good but didn't like it that much. Didn't connect with book, can't explain why not. Didn't think the miracle theme was actually important to the book.
Dana: 7.0 - Male version of The Glass Castle. Like love story as a touch. Like ending, even though it was sad.
Angie: 8.0 - Like character development and love story. Courting was cute.
Anne: 6.5 (p.265) - Didn't not like the book. It took a lot of increments to finish; kind of slow. Liked Rueben's childish perspective.
Becky: 8.0 (p.200) - Weirded out that the miracles don't mean anything. They build up...then nothing. Thought it was based a long time ago, like 1850's.
Rachel: 7.0 - Well written, well done, but not drawn in. Quick, easy to follow, but not great.
Jennifer: 7.5 - Got into it and then got distracted. Loved the last part. Great ending.
Rebecca: 7.5 - Good book. Interesting story, good plot, fun characters, but just didn't connect with it. Wanted to be wow'd but wasn't and not sure why not.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Big Sur, by Jack Kerouac

Becky: 3.o Liked Kerouac 20x better in college with On the Road as life seems the artistic, soul searching journey. It was mostly drunken rambling to my 30 year old years. Only Becky and Rebecca finished the book and nobody read the poem at the end.
Rebecca: 5.5 The loose punctuation was not an issue when reading, but it can get in the way at times. Did not see the purpose of the story. Too much rambling drunkenness which was distracting and made it difficult to pay attention to.
Jennifer: 2.5 (1/2-3/4 done) Wasn't sure what is was about. Phooey she said when it was due to the library, and turned it back in. Wasn't sure what she read.
Rachel: 2.0 (pg 23) Liked the reference to Delena of Tremors, her favorite beer. She had just travels to the famous 'beat' locations in San Fran. Her dad had predicted she wouldn't like it.
Anne: 2.0 (pg 45) Loved On the Road in college but annoyed by this book. She had no empathy as he played the victom, and as he tried to get away from it all, he had a very hard time with it.
Tina: 4.5 (pg 32) Read in 2 long time frame, which she thinks helped. Casey read it too with, "you can't think about it, don't read the words, be the experience". This book is easier to skim as you get the impression, which is more enjoyable. Allowed her to let go of the control of of reading.
Angie: (n/a) Was helping Tina buy a house and car. Didn't open the book.
Dana: (n/a) Didn't purchase the book, but tried to research the 'beat' generation (intro in 1948), and 'beatnik' (intro as a term in 1956).
Going on in the world right now: Obama wins. Auto Industry going under without help of the gov.
Going on with us right now: Tina bought house (w/help of Angie), baby girl due in March. Rebecca books trip to Mexico.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, by John Berendt

Menu:Loaded Baked Potatoes, yummy salad, cupcakes and ice cream
Rebecca: 8.0 Interesting storyline, kept captivated. Had a hard time sitting down to read and fell asleep easily. Liked that it was non-fiction. Good character development, but some were unnecessary.
Jennifer Erlich: 7.0 Didn't like Part I. Too many mini-stories and had to push through Part II. Enjoyed the last 100 pages--would have liked it better without the first part.
Becky: 7.0 Enjoyed the essence of Savannah, wanted to be there! Didn't remember anything about reading the book 10 years ago. Too many characters. Favorite character was Chablis, the Drag Queen with lots of spunk and personality. Enjoyed when she attended the Debutante Ball...
Dana: 8.0 Liked the character Minerva, the witchcraft specialist. Minerva had a great connection with the dead and it reminds us how close the dead are to us living folks~some people just have a more keen sense to their "existence" than others.
Anne: 7.5 On page 193--finally at the murder part. Character development was long--felt like it was slow-moving. Found Southern-living very interesting.
Rachel: 7.0 On page 95--having a hard time getting into the book, it seems jumpy.
Angie: 7.0 Struggled to get into the book, it felt like a bunch of short stories. Lots of unnecessary details.
Tina: 7.5 Thought the beginning was slow and had too much character development, but appreciated it alot more once realizing the story was based on true events and the lives of real people. Felt the murder was an anti-climactic point to build up to--
Going on in the world right now: Upcoming Presidential election (Obama v. McCain).
Going on with us right now: Tina finds out Boy or Girl soon!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Prayer for the Dying, by Stewart O'Nan
Menu: Chow Mein, Potstickers, Apple Pie
Anne: 5.5 Intriqued at the beginning; enjoyed the small-town living references during the Civil War--but then the story turned disturbing and made her gag.
Rebecca: 4.5 Found the book very unsettling--not very eloquent. Kept her interested--wanted to know what happened, but didn't enjoy it. It was written very well in 2nd person. Thinks Jacob was very confused and in denial.
Jennifer E: 5.0 She was confused and in denial as to whether Jacob's wife was truly dead. Read a portion of the book in the hospital and received weird glances from others. The book raises the issue of whether or not you would stay or flee in the instance of a plague.
Angie: 5.0 Lost alot of respect for Jacob--he was a coward not to quarantine the town sooner, how he burned the woman in the house alive, and how he handled the impending fire. There were gaps in the story as to what we as the reader knew.
Tina: 5.0 A decent book about a horrible topic. Liked the 2nd person aspect--made it more apparent you didn't feel as Jacob did. The book gave a different aspect to undertaking--they are the last person to care for the dead.
Becky: 4.0 Felt like Jacob was in denial--liked in the very end where he talks about how life is easier alone--but that's not what life is about. Overall, the book was a downer.
Dana: 5.0 It begins with a dead soldier (the source of the plague) and ends with the dead hermit (Jacob's realization he was the person who spread the disease). The story could have been told with dignity--but it wasn't. Not a very good example of a dignified funeral director/sheriff/pastor.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Other Boleyn Girl, by Phillipa Gregory
Menu: French Dip w/pickles and chips, Dessert of cookies and ice cream.
Angie: 9.0 - Read it really quickly. Intrigued by the whole book. Surprised homosexuality was talked about. Watched the movie but was upset about how Mary's loyalty to the queen was not portrayed.
Jennifer: 9.9 - Liked learning about history; and it was a quick read.
Tina: 9.0 - Loved the story, but found certain things dragged out. It was like reading a soap opera. Appalled by the family ambition. Interesting that the book starts and ends with an execution.
Dana: 10.0 (11) - Loved the book! Actually gave it an 11.0. Took notes in the back of the book. Intriguing and mesmerizing. Liked the family dynamics and rivalry between sisters. Called out the bond between mother and child. Surprised they let Mary go.
Rachel: 9.0 - Read first 100 and last 10 pages, plus watched the movie. Liked the language - it wasn't Old English. Interested in sister bond, how women were viewed, and that women were powerful, but it wasn't outwardly obvious.
Anne: 9.5 - Love it! Like a soap opera. Interested in the difference between the classes. Intrigued by the evilness of Anne - especially about the babies.
Rebecca: 8.75 - Total Juicy! Was looking for more meat - kept her interested! Found out ending before she finished. Did not like the movie.
Becky: 9.0 - Thought about the book a lot. Had dreams from those times. Liked the historical fiction! Scared at the end - though Mary was screwed. Sickened by the father and mother. Made her want a farm house and true love forever. Book taught the importance of keeping ambition in check.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood

Menu: Bok Choy Salad, Cashew Chicken Stir Fry w/Jasmine Rice. Dessert- Strawberry Shortcake
Anne: 6.0 - Not as good as the hype. Enjoyed learning about the culture and cultural differences.
Jenny: 8.0 - Really into it at first. Parts were really disturbing, seemed right on that it could happen, supposed to be better for women - thought that was interesting - bad trade off.
Jennifer: 8.5 - Seemed real but didn't understand how - found it frustrating.
Tina: 8.5 - Kept reading, disturbed, thought a lot about it. Author made it fictional enough but seemed it could happen. Liked the historical notes - provided answers and ending. Internal reflection on people regarding group think and acting like sheep.
Dana: 8.0 - Similar to another book a few years ago, very disturbing, thought about it a lot. Scary the change of power, trying to revert back to something, old men trying to reproduce.
Rachel: 9.5 - Like it more now vs. when read in high school. Interesting view and role of women (vs. other book like the Divinci Code). Disturbing that this could happen, good sci-fi - specific to women.
Angie: 8.0 - Into it in the beginning but tapered off. Overly descriptive (ie. room in the house). It was very 'piece y' and got impatient, but liked it in retro.
Rebecca: 8.0 - Intriguing. Initially would have given it a 9.5 but looking back it hasn't held my attention. Like how author put in tidbits making things second nature to the book, but it made you think. Wanted to know more about how things got that way. Historical notes could have had more info to answer all the Whys.
Becky: 9.0 - Believable and scary - men taking back all power. Intriguing and like how she appreciated all the simple things like clean air, TV - I could relate (all things are relative). Hid something in her dress to feel powerful, similar to Angry Housewives Eating Bonbons. Liked quote on pg 121 about "man's a strategy..."
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Foreign Babes in Beijing, by Rachel DeWoskin

Menu: Help Ladies, I know there was a delicious salad and meat....but Jenny, please remind us of the details.
Anne: 6.0 - Not as good as the hype. Enjoyed learning about the culture and cultural differences.
Becky: 6.5 - Liked learning about the Chinese culture. Didn't get into the story. Didn't see the poetry in her writing.
Jenny: 6.5 - Didn't like as much as thought. Interesting observations by the author but not compelling, outrageous or funny.
Jennifer: 6.0 - Thrown off by the Chinese language. Liked the beginning and the end, lackluster in the middle. Somewhat repetitive.
Tina: 7.0 - Interesting. Can relate to some of the experiences. Thought she was not insightful for having spent so much time there.
Dana: 6.0 - Wasn't drawn into the book, nor did she warm up to the author
Rachel: N/A
Angie: 6.5 - Lost momentum after the beginning.
Rebecca: 6.5 - Thought it would be funnier and more gripping. Liked first and second fifths of the book, not the third or forth fifths and then liked the last fifth.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Naked, by David Sedaris

Menu: Lasagna, Salad, Bread, Ice Cream and Choc. Covered Strawberries
Noteworthy: Jennifer joined book club
Anne: n/a
Becky: 8.0 - Refreshing. Started off thinking it was messed up. Then thought it was so real. Wondered if I could go to a nude camp. Last chapter was a little long. Makes me want to read more of his books.
Jenny: 9.0 - Read awhile ago. Liked nudist part. Funny. Loved reading about family. Interesting how smoking calmed him.
Jennifer: 8.5 - Liked nudist part. Remember parts, but not as a whole - interesting. Laughed a lot.
Tina: 8.5 - Didn't get it at first. Then appreciated humor. Developed relationship with writer through books. Refreshing. Different and easy to read.
Dana: 8.0 - Liked it. Reminded me of Glass Castle. Enjoyed family dynamics. Good connection. Mom had good aspect. OCD dropped off of subject, only at beginning.
Rachel: 9.0 - Read awhile ago. Nice reading about crazy family. Liked that it's essays. Reading more of his books makes him and books more likeable.
Angie: 8.0 - Hated him in first chapter. Then realized he was kidding and loved it. Liked last chapter. Made her think what it would feel like.
Rebecca: 8.0 - Liked listening to Me Talk Pretty better. Enjoys his smart writing alongside his humor. Unfortunate you never hear about his true feelings about his mom's death. Very real.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Band of Sisters, by Kirsten Holmstedt

Menu: Curry Chicken, Greek Salad, Naan, Cupcakes from Cupcake
(Ethnic food from Iraq, plus dessert I couldn't get while I was there)
Rachel: 9.5 - Very much liked this book, especially the solid stories from each individual soldier. Eye opening! Found a couple of the stories more interesting than the others, like the one about the two soldiers dating at war.
Tina: 6.5 - Liked the idea of the stories and book but thought it was poorly written. Was bothered by the picture of the author in the back. Felt the book was too much about the author and felt she wrote in a jargon that was too condescending. Liked the individual stories but wanted to know more.
Sara: 5.5 (from Chicago) - Was excited to read this book; however, she didn't think it did well at describing the war. She also felt the author wrote in a condescending manner. Liked the stories of the women with children at home and how as a mother their maternal nature kicked in when taking care of their soldiers.
Rebecca: 5.5 - Glad the book exists and that we read it. The writing was poor - it took away from the stories. There wasn't good flow. Thought if it was told in the first person with footnotes it would have been a much better book. Wanted more personal views of their wartime experiences. Loved the pictures.
Anne: 7.0 - Liked the stories but thought the book was choppy. Better if it was written in the first person. Loved the pictures. Really enjoyed reading about the way soldiers train for war, then get tested in war - the real thing. She thought this was very intense. (which it is).
Dana: 6.0 - She felt the author asked each soldier the same set of questions. And, the author did a poor job (not the real expression used).
Becky: 7.5 - This book was exactly what I needed to read after being home from Iraq for 6 months. I wanted my friends to have other accounts of the war to build on instead of just mine. I needed them to understand me a little more instead of me being in my own world, adjusting. I also needed to relate to something, have something that was coming from the same vein as most of my thoughts these days.
I think the author should have stated in the beginning that this was a thesis - turned into book. Also, she should have stated that her thesis was that women should be allowed on the front lines. She doesn't state this until the end. I know its extremely hard to tell your story, especially since most don't understand your jargon, many don't want to hear it, and you don't feel it's interesting being just a soldier (most soldiers don't think of themselves as special, honorable, heroes - we went to war, like we were supposed to, like we were trained to do). I could write a book about this........perhaps.
Angie: Not finished enough to give good rating
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen

Friday, September 28, 2007
Come Back, by Claire & Mia Fontaine

Sara: 8.0 - (from Chicago) Enjoyed story. Characters were arrogant, wanted more background on the situation. Encouraged by story on how to overcome challenges. Wished that these tragedies could be healed by more than money.
Rebecca: 8.0 - Enjoyed the book. Would like to recommend the story to others with past abuse. Felt that the mother left many things out as this could not have been a surprise. Discovery and Focus programs were judged and criticized.
Rachel: 8.5 - Sucked in from beginning. Read in one sitting. Money provided resources. What happens to kids whose parents "don't care". Understands parental point of view. Harsh feedback would be hard to take - likely to give up. Parts about Clarie cause worry about becoming a parent.
Anne: 8.0 - Easy to read. Book hit home because Phil's brother attended Spring Creek. Heard first hand about Focus and Discovery. Cool book, now understand. Now considering participation. Micheal is now a teacher at the school.
Erika: 8.0 - Enjoyed the book. Read quickly. Had a better understanding of why people act the way they do. Enjoyed Mia's portions and wished her story was shared more.
Tina: 8.0 - Liked Mia's thoughts. Reflection on Claire as a control freak. Freaked out about thoughts as a parent. Gave perspective on why people to the things they do. Enjoyed reading the book.
Dana: 7.0 - Ditto!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Thirteenth Tale, by Diane Setterfeld

Sara: 8.0 - (from Chicago) Pulled her in and felt as though she was being given a child's nighttime story. Author and her mother were so lost without the twin. Liked discrepancies of the children.
Erika: 8.0 - Confused with authors jumping around. But liked relationships between Vida Winter and Margaret.
Jenny: 7.5 - Didn't think it was well-written, but good story. Knew ending. Was going to be let down - inevitable, not as spectacular.
Tina: 9.0 - Rates up with "My Sister's Keeper". End was great for her. Disturbed by Isabelle and Charlie's relationship. Enjoyed the mystery behind which twin survived the fire. Thinks it was Emmeline?
Rebecca: 8.5 - Liked Sara's description of book, child's nighttime story. Didn't like the very end. Tells what happened with bibliography and her life. Liked story. Good movie?
Anne: 7.0 - Drawn in. Middle and end had to force herself to read. Seemed like a fairy tale, surreal story. Weirded out by how Miss Winter picked up that Margaret was a twin. Margaret's mother situation had loose ends. Quirky behaviors of characters.
Dana: 8.0 - Loved the base of the story. Sad with demolition of the house. The life of twins was interesting. Adeline was the twin that Vida Winter saves (in my opinion). Miss Winters strategy of using "I" vs. "We".
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Beyond Knowing, by Janis Amatuzio

Noteworthy: Jenny joined book club
Tina: 3.0 - Did not love the book. Got really repetitive. Same story over and over. Too much about the author. Expected to be amazed, but wasn't.
Dana: 6.0 - Expected more like her first book. Told same story in first book. Was disappointed. Would recommend first book.
Rebecca: 3.5 - Did not like the book. Was very self-promoting. Writing was poor. Was left with no though.
Jenny: 3.0 - Did not love it. Wanted more of the forensic pathologist stuff.
Sara: 3.0 - (from Chicago) Did not like her voice. She needs to get a life. Talked too much about herself.
Anne: 6.0 - Thought it would be more profound.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Bell, by Iris Murdoch

Noteworthy: Sara's last book club
Tina: 8.5 - Slow beginning but necessary for rest of book. Good story and a "coming to peace". Left some characters open-ended. Michael/Nick store quite unsatisfying. She copped out at the end. The end somewhat anticlimactic. (At 6 week of quitting and kicking ass.)
Anne: n/a - (pg. 68) Love the characters. Dora is hilarious. Excited to see where the story goes. (Went to Cafe Ena. Adjusting to not working. Will is now sleeping through the night.)
Dana: 7.5 - Similar to Crossing to Safety. Late 1950s wives but didn't get to see Dora's "wife" dutier. I liked the description of the characters. Things didn't happen until the very end. (Planning Vito's 1st birthday, pirate themed. Finished 2nd year of grad school.)
Sara: 9.0 - Couldn't put it down. Beginning slow. Wondered what would happen. Ending didn't have closure that I wanted. Irked me that Nick and Michael never ended. Religion interested me. The impossibility of high standards makes it harder to hold standards. (Moving to Chicago. I'm a doctor, life is crazy. I'm excited for shopping in Chicago, nervous too.)
Rebecca: 8.5 - Reminded me of Crossing to Safety. Love the beginning. Thought it ended in limbo. Bothered me you didn't get to know other characters, but if you did, it would have been too much. Dora's ability to take ideas from another intrigued me. (Rotating jobs again. Looking forward to summer. Got a hookah.)
Friday, May 4, 2007
The Inheritance of Loss, by Kiran Desai

Tina: 5.0 (pg. 70) - Thought story had a lot of potential but language made it hard to read. Storyline very choppy, jumped around too much. (Quit smoking almost a month ago and getting 10" haircut tomorrow.)
Sara: 9.0 - Fascinating to read while traveling through the third world. Found a lot in the book very real with trip and people/experiences. Interesting tie to colonization and the impact of the wester world on the east. (Graduated from med school today and got back from 70 day trip around the world.)
Rebecca: 4.0 (1/3 way through) - Didn't enjoy, mainly due to writing style. Too difficult to relate to characters in short stints. Story seemed very current based on experiences on trip. (Got back from 4 month trip to SE Asia.)
Anne: 4.0 (read through 20s) - Wanted to read it, very hard to connect to characters due to choppiness. Sentences too ornate. Thinks it had great potential, but couldn't get into it. (Planning 5 year anniversary trip to San Fran, w/o Will.)
Erika: N/A (Moved into her own big girl apartment 1.5 weeks ago.)
Dana: N/A (Vito is walking, he can say Mama and Dada.)
Rachel: N/A (got to page 10) - Would like to read to see what I think (vs. reviews), but writing style very tough to get through.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The Good Soldier, by Ford Maddox Ford

Sara: 8.5 - Character development spectacular. Beginning slow and confusing. Told like fireside story. By the end understood why it was so confusing at the beginning. Hard time deciding who was bad. Can look at it in different ways and come out with different answers. Wanted to know more.
Tina: 6.0 (pg. 163) - Confusing. Realized I like straight forward writing, don't need "golden sentences". Likes more journalistic writing. More like him thinking than straight forward. Thought narrator was stupid. Makes you realize how times have changed.
Rachel: N/A (through part 1) - Language hard, want to have read.
Dana: N/A (don't have book)
Anne: N/A (just finished The Glass Castle)
Rebecca: 7.0 (pg. 137) - Beginning confusing. Don't like randomness, but appreciate it (due to how I would tell the story). As well, his lack of realization reminds me of how I would look at the situation. If I would have known the story in advance, I think I would have enjoyed reading it more.